Business Databases


Our accurate, multi-sourced business database gives you access to the most comprehensive business information available. With our state-of-the-art technology, we have the ability to merge various business databases to give you customized, highly targeted business information you simply can’t get anywhere else.

Selections include:
  • Over 200 Job Titles
  • SIC Codes
  • Employee Size
  • Sales Volume
  • Phone Number
  • Fax Number
  • Presence of URL
  • And More!
Accuracy & Coverage

Our database is multi-sourced using yellow pages and business white pages, along with annual reports, government data, business directories, corporate and executive registers and public records. To ensure accuracy, the file is then put through a telephone verification process to update and obtain additional information, such as employee size, key contact name and primary SIC code. Our business database is CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) Certified and Delivery Point Validation (DPV) confirmed and backed by a 95% deliverability  guarantee.

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